Sintiklia Oona Hair - blonde NEW
Hair Oona comes as limited release pack during the event and 99L only with 16 colors(naturals and colors)
also there will be 25% off on some hairs
Thankies ♥
Casadel Azzurra Outfit - black NEW@Cosmopolitan
- Fit for Maitreya and Belleza
- with HUD
Thankies ♥
Astralia Compatible Mesh Nails System Pack2
Ariskea Book Shelf Birthday Item @Kustom9
Pseudo Comp Notebook Birthday Item @Kustom9
Puke Rainbows Cute Bat Gacha NEW@The Chapter Four
- Cute Bat - Ghost [2]
- [Cute Bat - Cosmo [21]
Pseudo Comp Notebook Birthday Item @Kustom9
Puke Rainbows Cute Bat Gacha NEW@The Chapter Four
- Cute Bat - Ghost [2]
- [Cute Bat - Cosmo [21]
Thankies ♥
Secret Poses Boho Suitcase 1 (Bento) NEW@Boho Culture Fair
Thankies ♥
♦Body & Skin♦
Catwa Catya Bento Head
Pumec Ralina Skin September Group Gift
Maitreya Mesh Body
my own